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Cheney Munson - Founder

Cheney Munson is the founder and director of The Climascope Project. Since he was in high school, questions about education, literacy and the environment have kept him up at night. After teaching middle school English in Brooklyn for two years with Teach for America, he taught writing for another 6 years at a KIPP school in Newark, NJ. There he founded the Writing Department and connected with Columbia University and Teacher’s College to provide cutting-edge professional development in reading and writing. 

For 6 years Cheney has been a staff developer for The Reading and Writing Project. His leadership and knowledge in high demand, he has made a name for himself with his ability to inspire teachers and leaders while meeting them where they are at. With a unique combination of live demonstration and personalized professional development, he puts student and teacher relationships at the heart of what he does.  

Cheney is uniquely positioned to lead the charge on climate change education. For the last 15 years, he has studied, developed, and implemented tried-and-true methods for teaching reading, writing, and research. He’s worked shoulder-to-shoulder and screen-to-screen with thousands of students and educators in schools throughout the world. He is a leader in distance learning, helping teachers teach remotely with grace and engagement. He can leverage his knowledge, expertise and extensive network and bring it to bear on climate change education, literacy and curriculum.

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