We’re making a website that makes it a little easier (and a little less lonely) for teachers and students to save the world. Enjoy.

What we know.

We know the planet’s getting hotter. We know it’s bad for humans. We know that if we don’t make big changes quickly, things will get worse.

But we also know how to fix it. And by fixing it, we’ll make the world a better, cleaner place to live, with more justice and equality for all.

We’ve made some stuff to make it easier for you to teach and learn about the climate crisis.

 What we think.

Most teachers want to teach climate change, no matter what subject or grade they teach. Most students want to learn about climate change, no matter how old they are.

With the right materials and a little training, teachers can teach climate change across the curriculum, across all grade levels, while still teaching the standards, skills and content that matter. In doing so, they’ll raise joy, criticality, intellect, and students’ sense of agency.

At the heart of effective climate literacy is an anti-racist stance and culturally sustaining pedagogy. Racism, inequality, white supremacy, patriarchy, sexism, and the structures, systems and polices that uphold them are both cause and effect of climate change. To teach climate change well is to give students and teachers the tools and language to name those systems so they can dismantle them.

What we do.

We curate and crowdsource digital climate text sets that are free, accessible, trustworthy and engaging for all ages and disciplines.

We offer lessons, units, methods and frameworks to teach the climate crisis across a K-12 curriculum.

We design and deliver tailor-made professional development to schools, districts and companies who want to teach the climate crisis and foster environmental stewardship and civic engagement.

We amplify what’s already working in climate education and connect teachers and students who are doing powerful work.

We know we can’t do this alone. All of us have a part to play. We hope you’ll join us.